the directors

ben yeger
Founder & Co-Director
Ben Yeger is the Founder and co-director of Moving Conflicts. He has 25 years' experience of leadership facilitation, training and systemic coaching. He designs innovative and collaborative interventions, which transform challenges and difficulties, from barriers to relationship into opportunities for change. He is a highly experienced therapist, facilitator and coach.
Ben is UK representative of Combatants for Peace (CfP). He is an ex-combatant serving in the Israeli army 83-86 during the first Lebanon war. After serving, Ben left Israel making a promise to himself that he would never serve in the army or carry a gun ever again. He has undergone a personal transformation from a heart of war to a heart of peace, supporting his action as a peace activist and leader in this field of work
Together with Moving Conflicts co-director, Milly Sinclair, Ben has developed Systemic Conflict Transformation trainings and interventions that are attended by a wide range of professionals across the world.
Ben lives with his wife of 32 years in South Devon UK. He is a Father of 3 and a grandfather of 1 is obsessed with Tennis, Football and swimming in the cold sea.

milly sinclair
Milly Sinclair has a psychotherapeutic background and is a Leadership systemic therapist, coach, facilitator and trainer with 25 years of experience. She has worked with leaders around the world, particularly around the areas of Conflict Transformation, Inclusion, Ethics and Justice. Her global clients include Oxfam, Tearfund, Amnesty International and Oxford University. She has worked in the field of conflict for many years, both as a Peace Activist ( Community worker and global facilitator. She is a systemic coach and facilitator ( and family systemic therapist.
She is passionate about creating psychologically safe environments for leaders and teams to address and transform the conflicts that they face
Milly has worked with Ben for eight years running open and bespoke programmes on Conflict Transformation.
She has been married for 27 years, mother of two sport mad young men and lives in Stroud. She loves dancing.