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Moving Conflicts

Conflict transformation in action

"Their trust in each other and the process was wonderful and I have applied what I have learnt about conflict transformation  into my work to great impact.”

Rachel Amato, consultant

Moving Conflicts

workshops for


On-line and in-person open access programmes for leaders, coaches and change makers in collaboration with The Whole Partnership

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Moving Conflicts


interventions for organisations

Bespoke trainings and interventions for organisations, community groups and charities- tailored to your needs

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Milly Sinclair

One to one conflict



On-line and in-person one to one coaching on conflict transformation for leaders, coaches and change makers

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Moving Conflicts

training for Conflict Zones

Training individuals and groups in how to be prepared for working in Conflict Zones across the world

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To resource and empower leaders, organisations, and individuals to face and address conflict in a way that catalyses its transformative power and supports radical inclusion, connection and long-lasting systemic change.

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Conflict is an inevitable part of life and can be an opportunity for constructive change.  However, conflict is often done badly, in a way that increases violence and de-humanisation and the illusion of separateness.   We believe conflict can be done with compassion and connection and with a ‘heart of peace.’ 


Systemic Conflict Transformation (SCT)  is a process of radical inclusion.  It brings what has been disconnected back into connection.


We believe that conflict may feel personal but in fact is always trying to tell us something about the system that has been excluded, and needs to be seen and heard.  Facing this ‘excluded part’ relaxes the system.  This includes parts of ourselves.


To do this important work, we need to be resourced and in community/ connection with those that are different from us.  We need to have a deep heart and desire to ‘cross the bridge’ of our own belonging groups and a collective vision for something better.


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Ben Yeger

Founder and co-director of Moving Conflicts

Milly Sinclair

Co-director of Moving Conflicts


an introduction to moving conflicts

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